onsdag 15. oktober 2014

A Devine Perspective

You may think a lot about theology, but you may not be aware that God or Gods are a human creation. The real Gods here are you and I.

I'm Njord, my Germanic name version is Nerþus, Nephtun in Latin, God of the seas, the storms, the welfare of the seafarers and the prosperity of the fishermen who live from what they can catch in the seas. I know because flash memories come to me when I am in relaxation and meditation.

Like the sailors I have girls in many havens. One of them may be you. I sometimes come across you when I travel in cyberspace.  I'm a hopeless romantic lover, a reasonable, but possessive Dom and a secret, yet playful spirit. As friend I'm patient and always try to develop the best in others.

And I have absolutely no moral to brag about. You think you have met me before. I fucked so many, I may well have forgotten you, but give me time and I may remember when I meditate.

I'm of the Vanir branch of Gods, but I moved out of Vanarheim to live in Aasgard with my daughter, Freya and my son Frey. They are bred of my incestuous flirt with my sister. We actually tried to lie about it and gave a less than credible explanation about an androgynous conception. Mother Mary almost got away with that, but I didn't really have any reputation for anything than being a fuckaround, so I don't mind.

Especially Freya is a talented GIRL with so many sexual skills, she became goddess of love, fertility and seiðr, the sorcery of changing destiny to ones own ends, LOL she has it from me. But in many ways exceeded me. She can be both GIRL and Mistress, depending on mood and situation. I had to really shake her when she repeatedly tried to dominate me.

I shouldn't really tell, but we live in this incestuous relation. She also keep with Ođin, my boss and she is married to his son, Od. She also gave herself to the dwarfs for an incredibly valuable necklace they gave her. That almost destabilized all the nine worlds. Well, she is insatiable.

I was married once. To the Jotne-daughter, Skaðe. She is the goddess of Skeeing and live in the Norwegian mountains of Jotunheim. The Æsirs killed her father, Thiazi (Tjatse), and she came to Aasgard to demand compensation for the slaughter. The Æsirs suggested she got one of the Gods to marry, but she had to choose just by seeing their feet.

She was after  Baldr, the most handsome of the Gods. My feet were clean from my wading the sea, so she picked me instead. When she discovered her mistake everybody was bound by the promise over her father's blood.

We had few, or none common interests, but we tried to make agreements on our marriage. She wanted to live in Trymheim in Utgard, and I wanted my beloved Noahtun at the sea. We agreed on living 9 days at every place. But I was kept wake by the wolves in the mountains and she lay wake by the screams of the seagulls. We became so unsync that the we eventually drifted apart.

It wasn't totally way off that I was drawn towards Idony when I sought her for my grief. Thiaze, Skaðe's father, was killed following an argue with some of the Æsirs over a meal. He had taken the half breed, Loke, and demanded Idony and her apples for setting him free.

I may tell the rest of the story when I have sorted out about my girls. Being a fuckaround make some impact on the girls and I'm a rather decent God, after all. I listen to the prayers of my girls.

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